እቲ ካብ ኣዘዝቲ ሓይልታት ትግራይን ብዶ/ር ድብረጽዮን ዝምራሕ ክፋል ህወሓትን ሓያል ጸቕጢ ኣጋጢምዎ ዳርጋ ስልጣኑ ጠልጠል ኢሉ ዘሎ ግዝያዊ ምምሕዳር ትግራይ ብመሰረት ስምምዕ ፕሪቶርያ ዝቖመ ምዃኑ ...
እቲ ኣብ መንጎ ብጌታቸው ረዳ ዝምራሕ መንግስቲን ብኣዘዝቲ ሓይልታት ጸጥታ ዝደገፈ ወገን ህወሓትን ዘሎ ወጥሪ ብዘተ ክፍታሕ ኣመሪካን ብሪጣንያን ዝርከብአን ሓያለ ሃገራት ተማሕጺነን። ኣብቲ ...
Neil That’s right. Over half the world’s population eats rice as the staple food, especially in Asia. But rice is a very ...
Scientists have created a genetically modified mouse that's woolly. The researchers plan to use their woolly mouse to test out other genetic changes before they try to create genetically-altered, ...
ኣርእስታት ዜና፥ ዶናልድ ትራምፕ ንናይ ኣውስትራሊያ ንዘቤታዊ ኢንዱስትሪ ሓጺን ንምድኻም ናይ ንግዲ ቀረጽ ይጥቀም ኣሎ ክብሉ ሰብ መዚ ማሕበር ሰራሕተኛታት ኣውስትራሊያ ገሊጾም ። ፕረዚደንት ፊሊፒንስ ...
ንሎሚ ሓሙስ 13 መጋቢት 2025 ንሓደ ሰዓት ዝጸንሕ መደብና፥ ሒዝና ቀሪብና ኣለና። ልኡኽና ዝሰደደልና ጸብጻብ እዞም ዝስዕቡ ኣርእስታት ኣለዉዎ፡ ኣስጋኢ ኮይኑ ዘሎ ኲናት ኢትዮጵያን ኤርትራን ቅድሚ ...
A Sioux City family that spent more than a decade trying to make it to America, with a sick son and little more than their own clothes to their name, is now having to start over, again, after a ...
The computer scientists Rich Sutton and Andrew Barto have been recognized for a long track record of influential ideas with this year's Turing Award, the most prestigious in the field. Sutton's 2019 ...