Thirty years after their reintroduction in Yellowstone, wolves have proven their ecological worth, at least in the context of ...
An animal sanctuary in Larimer County is a safe haven for wolf dogs, animals that are part dog and part wolf. It currently houses more than 20 rescued from abusive pasts, including one from Joe ...
The Humane Society of the United States recently re-branded itself as Humane World for Animals. Discover the reasons for the change and more.
In his memoir “Waiting on the Moon: Artists, Poets, Drifters, Grifters, and Goddesses,” Wolf details his life story. Born in the Bronx in New York City, Wolf was dyslexic and a self-described ...
As a group of snowmobilers turned a corner and went up a knoll, a wolf acted as a roadblock and provided a once-in-a-lifetime ...
Meow Wolf is bringing its otherworldly magic to New York, announcing its seventh permanent exhibition, for Pier 17 in South ...
The Wisconsin man, who was in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, said he's seen wolves before, but never as close as this.
In The Lost Lands is out now in theaters, introducing viewers to the witch Gray Alys, a conjurer created by none other than A ...
Thinking of getting a wolfdog? Discover the challenges and complexities of owning these wild hybrids and why they might not ...
It's not often that you get quality entires in the kids' horror genre, with Goosebumps, ParaNorman, and Coraline still ...
Remains of a Child Buried With Wolf Fur and Bird Feathers in the Grave Leave Archaeologists Baffled Burial sites of ancient ...
If you've ever wanted to run an army full of wolf cavalry the Gitmob is for you. Just get ready to paint a lot of fur.