Kapanlagi.com - Perayaan ulang tahun Kartika Sary, adik bungsu Yuni Shara, pada 10 Maret 2025, berlangsung hangat. Acara sederhana ini diadakan di rumah sang penyanyi dihadiri keluarga terdekat.
JAYAPURA, KOMPAS.com - Berawal dari penangkapan tersangka penyeludupan senjata api (senpi) dan amunisi atas nama Yuni Enumbi di KM 76, Kampung Ampas, Distrik Waris, Kabupaten Keerom, Papua, Selasa (11 ...
Sadie Mees, right, and Devoney Ellis, middle, say they're happy the Crown dropped charges against them, but are disappointed MUN won't have to justify their actions. (Ted Dillon/CBC) Three ...
Our work in Africa is building the foundations for improved global healthcare and research. The University continues to demonstrate academic excellence across a wide range of subjects as revealed in ...
Polisi masih terus mengungkap kejadian tersebut. TRIBUN-PAPUA.COm, JAYAPURA - Yuni Enumbi, mantan anggota TNI Kodim 18 Kasuari, pernah mengunjungi Bojonegoro untuk melihat proses pembuatan senjata api ...
We offer a generous package of financial support for international students, including undergraduate and postgraduate taught scholarships worth £10,000 towards the annual tuition fee. Applications are ...
KOMPAS.com - Polda Jawa Timur mengungkap identitas pemasok senjata yang dibeli oleh mantan anggota TNI, Yuni Enumbi, untuk Kelompok Kriminal Bersenjata (KKB) Papua. Tiga warga asal Bojonegoro, Jawa ...
MUN and NLSchools should consider better solutions to meaningfully engage student-interns to address yearly teacher shortages. Labelled as both exploitative and unethical, unpaid internships ...