John Dutton III's best successor exists in Yellowstone, and he's arguably better than a replacement since it's impossible to ...
In 1923 season 2, viewers learned that both Alexandra (Julia Schlaepfer) and Elizabeth Dutton (Michelle Randolph) are ...
A complex challenge haunts each generation of the Dutton family, with 1923 season 2 proving that John Dutton III inherited ...
The latest episode of 1923 appears to bring us much closer to an answer, as Spencer Dutton (possibly John Dutton’s ...
Season 2 is building up to revealing the true identity of John Dutton III's grandfather--but who is it? Here's every ...
Taylor Sheridan and John Linson produced Yellowstone, a popular American drama series. It was broadcast on Paramount Network ...
This week's episode of '1923' revealed the 'Yellowstone' train station's origin story, but eagle-eyed fans also spotted a ...
Yellowstone is expanding with new prequels and sequels but this forgotten John Duttonq quote proves Taylor Sheridan isn't ...
Yellowstone is one of the most popular shows, with certain episodes standing out and showcasing the best of Taylor Sheridan's ...
The Dutton family may be a muddled bunch, but there’s a clear connection between Spencer in 1923 and one modern day ...
From family lineage mysteries to shared values, the Dutton dynasty spans generations! Join us as we explore the fascinating ...
According to a new report from Matthew Belloni at Puck, the new Yellowstone spinoff following stars Kelly Reilly and Cole ...