Scientists have developed a solar-powered method to convert solid waste into valuable green hydrogen and animal feed.
Sustainable choices aren’t just about what people want to do, they’re about what’s easy to do,” according to researchers on a ...
The molecular reactions of nylon with the battery materials reduces unwanted chemical reactions, prevents dendrites and ...
A new study tackles the fraught question and upends tidy narratives with a subtler reality: more equal countries tend to be ...
An experiment spanning 16 years found that places reforested with five kinds of trees stored 36% more carbon than ...
Climate change, perhaps, used to be a topic where reasoned discussion was possible, particularly if people were lacking basic ...
Let the best of Anthropocene come to you. Hope and worry are the emotions most consistently linked to support for controversial approaches to dealing with greenhouse gas emissions, according to a new ...
Let the best of Anthropocene come to you. While electric vehicle sales are slowly taking off around the world, the majority of cars on the roads still run on gasoline. And those gas-powered cars are ...