California’s recent drought has exposed deep problems with the state’s water infrastructure and sharpened conflicts over the state’s limited water supply, particularly between agriculture, ecosystems, ...
RT @protesterrabbit: Always buy seeds or use your own from previous year. I get mine from Mother Nature of Powell River, B.C. ! https://t.c… The legal battle around #chlorpyrifos continues. The 9th ...
(Washington, DC)—Today, as the U.S. Congress honors Normal Borlaug with a statue in the Capitol, Center for Food Safety (CFS) and its international allies challenge the legacy of the Green Revolution ...
WASHINGTON—In defiance of science and public health concerns, today the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved the mass release of billions of experimental genetically engineered (GE) ...
Hydroponics are crops that are grown in nutrient-rich solutions rather than soil. The United States Department of Agriculture currently allows hydroponic production to be certified organic. However, ...
Communities in Hawai'i celebrated today after the deadline passed for Hawai'i’s House Judiciary Committee to hear House Bill 849, relating to Right to Farm. This decision comes as a relief to ...
CFS wrote this report in response to the FDA 2006 risk assessment on food from animal clones. In its assessment, the FDA suggests that food from animal clones is safe, and while the agency claims this ...
Animal Factories Campaign factsheet on ractopamine, a controversial drug used widely as a feed additive U.S. pork production to make animals grow faster. Ractopamine has been linked to animal and ...