S. Koreas biotech sector kicks off 2025 with multi-billion-dollar deals K-Bio firms secure nearly $2.3 billion in licensing ...
The main opposition Democratic Party (DP) has agreed to accept the ruling People Power Party’s (PPP) long-standing proposal ...
South Korea’s ruling People Power Party (PPP) floor leader Kweon Seong-dong reaffirmed on the 16th that the party’s official ...
South Korea’s Foreign Ministry said on Mar. 17 that the U.S. Department of Energy’s decision to designate S. Korea as a ...
Four professors from Seoul National University’s medical school have urged medical students and residents who have been absent from hospitals and classrooms for over a year to reconsider their ...
The U.S. Department of Energy recently confirmed that it added South Korea to the lowest category of the “Sensitive and Other ...
SK ecoplant is preparing to sue the South Korean government for approximately 500 billion won ($375 million) in additional investment costs, in what would be the largest-ever lawsuit by a construction ...
Swedish furniture giant IKEA said on March 17 that its first outlet in Seoul will open on April 17 in the southeastern district of Gangdong. This will be IKEA’s fifth store in South Korea, following ...
Genesis, the luxury vehicle brand of Hyundai Motor Co., accounted for a third of its global sales in the United States last year, with projections that its annual U.S. sales could exceed 80,000 units ...
이정섭 대전고검 검사가 처남의 부탁을 받고 특정인의 범죄 경력을 조회했다는 의혹을 수사 중인 고위공직자범죄수사처 (공수처)가 21일 대검찰청을 압수 수색하고 있다.
작년 6월 국제우주정거장 (ISS)으로 시험 비행을 떠났다가 예기치 않은 문제들로 9개월 동안 발이 묶였던 우주비행사 2명이 18일 지구로 돌아왔다. 286일 만에 돌아온 부치 윌모어 (62)와 수니 윌리엄스 (59)는 ...
한 네티즌은 영수증 길이를 측정해보기도 했다. 이를 보면 메뉴를 5개밖에 시키지 않았으나 영수증 길이는 50㎝에 달했다. 네티즌들은 “영수증이 두루마리 휴지처럼 길다” “영수증이 너무 길어서 뭔가 했더니 다 원산지 표기더라” ...