Identifying infectious bacterial species more accurately and quickly to help doctors make more targeted therapeutic decisions for patients is the goal that has driven the collaboration between two ...
Euclid mission has reached a major milestone with the first quarterly data release (Q1 2025), marking the beginning of an unprecedented era in precision cosmology. With its unparalleled capability to ...
As part of the PRO-BEN project, SISSA is launching a new group counselling programme designed to support PhD students, research fellows, and postdocs in their psychological well-being and in managing ...
SISSA is actively participating in the second edition of Università Svelate - Giornata Nazionale delle Università 2025, scheduled for Thursday, March 20. This initiative, dedicated this year to the ...
Prima Assicurazioni, a leading Italian and European insurtech company, is organising the Prima Math Fest 2025, an initiative for PhD students and recent graduates in Mathematics and Physics interested ...
Al Senato dialogo tra imprese, istituzioni e Università su mobilità del dato e innovazione tecnologica A Palazzo Madama si è tenuto il Convegno "Intelligenza artificiale e dati: quale futuro?", promos ...
Prima Assicurazioni, azienda leader a livello italiano ed europeo in ambito insurtech, organizza il Prima Math Fest 2025, un’iniziativa dedicata a dottorandi e neolaureati in Matematica e Fisica ...
La SISSA partecipa attivamente alla seconda edizione della Giornata Nazionale delle Università Svelate 2025, in programma giovedì 20 marzo. L'iniziativa, quest'anno dedicata al rapporto tra università ...
SISSA has published the new Open Science Guidelines, updating the regulations on thesis self-archiving and Open Access to align with the latest national and international policies. The document is ...