how to properly cook crack - Bluelight.org
Jun 14, 2003 · Your cocaine freebase will appear in the bottom of the spoon in the somewhat murky colored water that remains. The freebase will be yellowish gold in color. Pour out the remaining water with any residue left floating on top. Fill the spoon with fresh cold water over top of the freebase.
making crack for a beginner? - Bluelight.org
Jan 27, 2023 · Properly made crack isn't done by mixing baking soda and cocaine and heating till the water evaporates. The correct way is to gently heat the cocaine in a spoon with baking soda and water, at which point you'll see oily spots on the …
Cocaine - Cocaine Megathread - Bluelight.org
Jan 20, 1999 · Cocaine - turning freebase/crack into powder cocaine....the correct procedure! EDITED: 9/2/07 I had mistakingly left out the use of ethanol, which is a key component in this procedure. I apologize to anyone that may have had less than perfect results.
Cocaine - Quick, easy way to boost purity of crack - Bluelight.org
Dec 14, 2009 · You take your crack, throw it in a spoon with water (tap water seems fine, but I bet bottle water would be better), heat it up until the crack melts into oil (and,if you feel like it, stir it around with a straightened paper clip or anything else, just enough to break the oil spot up, then (also optional) pushing the little spots back toward ...
Making crack cocaine with smalll amount of cocaine 0.5 - 1.0 g
Mar 24, 2010 · Get some powdered blow and get some baking soda in a 3:1 ratio. Mix together and put in a spoon. Add enough water to cover it all + some extra as well. Get a lighter and start heating it up. This will cause a chemical reaction that will convert the cocaine hcl into freebase.
Nznity's guide to make baking soda crack cocaine
Jan 24, 2017 · Ok guys, I'm gonna give you my recipe so you guys can Cook your own banging rock cocaine instead of buying that cut to shit Bullshit. Here it goes: 1. You Need a spoon, some baking soda AND at least 1+Gram of decent blow. A lighter of course 2.mix the coke with the baking soda, a ratio of 80...
Using Ammonia to make Crack - Bluelight.org
Feb 4, 2003 · Following the instructions in Forgotten's Cocaine faq on how to make crack, is it necessary for the solution to be maintained at a higher than room temperature (ie warm but not hot) or is this heating simply to separate any cuts from the cocaine? A quick reply would be greatly appreciated as we're hoping to do this asap =p ~Treeburner
Crack Cocaine - Freebase Megathread - Bluelight.org
May 23, 2007 · this thread could be a haven for any and all questions related to crack, crack smoking and injecting techniques and methods, health issues related to crack cocaine use, crack "culture" (one I certainly don't want to take any part in, despite my regular (but carefully managed) use of the drug), purifying rocks, and much more, like miscellaneous Qs such as best type of …
Anyone familiar with what "doing a push" from a crack pipe means?
Jun 15, 2015 · I've been dabbling in crack cocaine a little more than usual lately, and I'm sure I still qualify as a n00b. My more experienced friends have mentioned on multiple occasions about doing a "push." It involves moving the brillo around in the pipe to somehow be able to smoke the residue that has gotten stuck in the pipe.
My latest experience with crack cocaine | Bluelight.org
Aug 4, 2010 · I started when I was 14 and was a daily user by 16. I've been there, done that. I've used a lot of drugs; stimulants, depressants and everything in between. Given all of this exp.erience, I can say that Crack Cocaine and injected Cocaine are scary. I really mean scary. I've injected Cocaine in two settings and I've smoked Cocaine 2-3 times.